
Юридическая литература

Литература и нормативные акты

Saltzburg Stephen A., Capra Daniel J., Hancock Catherine. Basic Criminal Procedure. 670 p. St. Paul, Minn. West Publishing Co., 1995;

Black Letters Series.

Strong John William (University of Arizona) — General Editor. Contributing Authors: Broun Kenneth S. (University of North Carolina), Dix George E. (The University of Texas), Graham Michael H. (University of Miami), Kaye D.H. (Arizona State University), Mosteller Robert P. ( Duke University), Roberts E.F. (The Corncll Law Scholl). McCORMICK ON EVIDENCE. 4th Ed. 672 p. St. Paul, Minn. West Publishing Co., 1992;

Black Letters Series.

The Encyclopaedia Americana. N.Y., 1973.

Walker Samuel (University of Nebraska at Omaha). Popular Justice. A History of American Criminal Justice. 287 p. N.Y., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Walther David L., Grove Patricia L., He ffernan Michael S. (Milwaukee law firm of Walther and Hailing. S.C.). Appellate Practice and Procedure in Wisconsin. ATS-CLE Division, State Bar of Wisconsin, 1988, Madison, Wi.

Wellman Francis L. (1854—1942). The Art of Cross-Examination. 4th Ed., Revised and Enlarged Collier Books. Macmillan Publishing Compani. N.Y.; Collier Macmillan Publishers, London.

Wishman Seymour. Anatomy of a Juri. The inside story of how 12 ordinary people decide the fate of an accused murderer. 322 p. Penguin Books, 1986.


БоботовС.В. Французская уголовная юстиция. М.: Ин-т государства и права АН СССР, 1969.

Боботов C.B. Правосудие во Франции. М.: Ин-т государства и права РАН, 1994.

Быкова E. Следственный судья во Франции // Российская юстиция. 1994. № 6. С. 59-60.

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